Our Organization

'Amazing Gaia' is a nonprofit organization that was created in July of 2014.

The headquarters of the organization are located in Nea Artaki, Evia, Greece.

The conception of this organization was made the last days of June of 2014 and it was the result of a spiritual work that had began early the same year!

The creation of this Organization was triggered by the realization that in our world there are many organizations that help humans, animals and our planet in general, but there is not a ''connective web'' uniting them to support each other.

Amazing Gaia's main goal is to unite many charitable organizations that work on our self-improvement and our evolution as spieces, on the right living of all beings and on the protection of our Earth in general.

Our Vision is that all these organizations together, as a united group will manage to bring Peace, Balance, Love, Justice and Prosperity in our world! Let's make our planet a paradise for all Beings!